Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bring on the Motivation

The "Winter Blues" has made it's usual return once again, you would think I would grow accustomed to that! But no, I have not, and I am once again in need of a kick in the butt to get myself motivated to do much of anything.

As of yet (and I know you will say get real, it's only Jan 19, what did you expect) 2010 has not started out as I had hoped it would after dragging my ass through 2009! I had to buy a new dryer, my gorgeous 7yr old Zues's life was cut short, and a dear cousin has had a mastectomy. Maybe it has all come at once and now 2010 is ready to bring on the good stuff? Right? (I said RIGHT?)

Anyway, I did start to exercise (and please don't put a damper on my idea of exercise). I got a WII fit plus for Christmas, and finally got it set up (set up meaning I can now turn it on and off without my son's assistance!). So while watching TV I do a 30min step aerobic workout! YEAH for me! I usually always manage to start great and drop off quickly, however since we have just booked a trip to CUBA at the end of March, I now have a very good reason to keep pushing myself. Because if you go to CUBA, you obviously have to wear some beach wear, right? That pretty picture should certainly be enough to keep me motivated!

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