Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Good News (well not bad news)

Had my follow up with Dr E today to discuss (kinda one sided actually) my results from my latest cholesterol work up.

Whoo Hoo, dropped it by 20%, very well done if I do say so myself! However before I pat myself too hard, I still have some more improvement warrented to stay off the cholesterol meds. (I guess if I had added in some exercise with my changed diet that might have done it.) Even Hubby's cholesterol has shown an improvement (although he isn't so keen on expanding on the salads for supper!)

So I guess my little garden is going to come in real handy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bring on the Salads

Gardening has never been something that I was very good at, mostly because I really, really hate to "weed". The one garden that I did try was so overrun by weeds you couldn't tell what if anything was growing!

But it seems each year the cost of produce keeps climbing higher, and everytime I decide to have a salad (mostly during my "need to slim down periods") and dig out what I have in the crisper it has gone to "slime" (yuck).

So this year I decided to give it a go again, only this time I filled some containers and planted something different in each one. And take a look the lettuce, beans, tomatoes and green peppers are actually growing great, and NO WEEDS! Bring on the salad!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Puppy Skills

Training update: We didn't quite make it through the full four weeks of "Puppy Play N Train", although I stuck out 3 sessions. That was just too stressful (for me!), Buddy enjoyed it thoroughly! There was just too much off leash time for me, trying to chase around behind him, and gathering him up for a "time out" (of which he seemed to require alot of) was not my idea of play. My "little Buddy" has turned out to be quite the little aggressor (too bad I didn't gather that bit of information first).

So we have moved on to the "Skills Training" sessions. They are going somewhat better (mainly because he stays on leash), although he is a little Jekyll and Hyde! His training at home is coming along slow but sure, and as soon as he gets to class he pays me no attention what so ever!

He is definitely your typical Terrier though, very sure of himself, afraid of nothing, especially me when I find him outside "digging" his way to China! He's actually taken a liking to June bugs and grubs, and hunts them down at night and digs them out of the ground (as well as eats them-Yech! and oh so Gross!).

 Buddy taking in some sun.

Buddy finding a little shade where ever he can!