This is Gary, my husband of 27 years. Although we have had our ups and downs (as I am sure all couples do) I wouldn't trade him (most days anyway!).
Doesn't he have a wonderful smile!

This is son # 2 Kris (and girlfriend Teressa). He's the laid back type, pretty quiet until you wind him up. He's very tall (6.5 to my 5.2) and loves to jerk you around (he's very good at telling you things that are not true to get your goat, mine especially!). Kris lives with his girlfriend and their cat. He is the mechanic of the family(always nice to have one of those in your family), the computer generation(always nice to have one of those too!).
The little person in the middle is Mom (she passed away a few years back now), with my sister (shown later) and me on either side, still miss her!
This is my dad, Don, still going strong at 80 ( will be on Aug 6th), doesn't look a day over 70 (he would say 60)!
He is the strong willed, very active type, loves his grandsons (all 4 of them), not too sure about the dogs though (at least he pretends not to), but he does babysit my sisters girls (which would be her two cats!).

This is my sister Tracy and her partner Harley, you've seen Harley already (he was the bird man post). Tracy is 9 years younger (notice I did not say I was 9 years senior), small and petite (unlike me), but other than that we are much alike. She loves cats, hates dogs (and boy do our 2 know that, they love her, funny how they seem to know that!).
Gerry is going to be a welder(just finished his main course) and is also very tall (like my sons). Nathan on the other hand is more like his mom (shorter) and a going concern! Very good with his hands (I am sure there is a construction worker in there) can build just about anything!
This picture was taken when my brother Ken (shown in the bottom row third from the left) came home from BC for a visit. As you can see he is also not of the taller version (he gets that from my mom's side).

These are the four footed members of our family at this time, the larger one is Moses, who is Jeff and Denai's addition, then there is Goliath (laying on the mat as he is the older one) and under Moses you will find Zues out beloved cat (who was rescued and brought to us by my sister).
That's all of them for now, I will likely have individual posts on some of them later on!