Rain, rain, rain that's all its been for the past few days, and lots of it! But according to the long range weather we are going to be in for a stretch of sun and heat, heat, heat! So looking forward to it. We have put down the lime before the rain came, so in a few days the lawn should be green, and before long will come the weeds! Oh my, its a never ending cycle isn't it?
This year I hope to get a few boxes built so I can have a small garden growing, but I don't want the weeds, so plan to put it together in off the ground boxes, how smart is that? Read about it on another blog, too cool! Also going to put in a concrete patio (we have blocks there for now so will move them around the yard and create walkways), a little bit each year, by the time I am ready to give up the house, it will be the way I want it!