Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas in Any Language

Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast

Eskimo: (inupik) Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo!

Estonian: Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi

French: Joyeux Noel

Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!

German: Fröhliche Weihnachten

Greek: Kala Christouyenna

Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat

Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie

Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom

Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie

Spanish: Feliz Navidad

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Little Salt PLEASE

I am a real "WUS" when it comes to Winter Driving!

Believe me, you don't want me behind the wheel on the road when the roads are slippery,(like, say this morning!) cause I'm the one who drives real slow so she only has to put the brakes on a very minimal amount of time (you know, the one who makes you put your brakes on cause they're going too slow for you)! I start to whimper when I see a stop sign coming up......

 If the weather man (Lady)had told me last night that the roads would be snow covered and slippery, then I would have made hubby take me to work, it's too late to tell  me once I am half way there!

And what's with the no salt or sand policy until hours AFTER the roads get slippery? Come on people if you see it's flurrying out there, get in the damn truck and throw out that stuff you get paid to do!

A woman should be running that department, cause then you would be working the night shift buddy, you'd be out there while I was fast asleep, ensuring that once I get out on the road, its been sanded and salted and then when I put my foot on the brake, my cars gonna stop, not slide into whatever might be in front of or beside me!

I never used to be such a WUS, it only started after I had my first driving accident( having that second one certainly didn't help either)!

 It's amazing how suddenly you can change from a carefree, impowered, confident driver, into a quivering mass of jelly with the grip of death on the steering wheel at all times, until finally reaching  your intended destination (and then you give out that huge sigh of relief (and your whole body goes limp, and you need to sit for a few minutes before you can actually get your butt out of the car, cause you know your legs won't hold you up yet).

 I think I need to move to a no snow zone, or find an at home job.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Translation of the word “mistletoe” itself isn’t very romantic. A few centuries back, some people apparently observed that mistletoe tended to take root where birds had left their droppings. “Mistal” is an Anglo-Saxon word that means “dung” and “tan” means “twig,” so mistletoe actually means “dung on a twig.”

Thunder and Lightning

Christmas is a source of many legends. If you ask the average American to name Santa's reindeer (eight in all?), the first name to pop up will probably be Rudolph (the Red-Nosed Reindeer). The next two would no doubt be Donner and Blitzen.

But is this correct? Where did these names come from?

The original poem refers to “eight tiny reindeer” (Rudolph actually makes it nine tiny reindeer) and gives them each a name: “Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now Prancer and Vixen!/On, Comet! on, Cupid! on Dunder and Blixem!”

The Candy Cane

Candy canes have been around for centuries, but it wasn't until around 1900 that they were decorated with red stripes and bent into the shape of a cane. They were sometimes handed out during church services to keep the children quiet!
(Now imagine that, even back then they used candy as a bribe!)


Evergreens were cherished at this time of year as a natural symbol of rebirth and life amid winter whiteness. But holly was particularly prized to decorate doors, windows and fireplaces because of its prickliness -- to either ward off or snag and capture evil spirits before they could enter and harm a household.

Are All of Santa's Reindeer Female?

Subject: Reindeer Facts

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year (the only members of the deer family, Cervidae, to have females do so), male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring.

Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every single one of them, from Rudolf to Blitzen ... had to be a female.
AHEM! ......We should've known this when they were able to find their way.

Also we should have known this because.... Only women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night, and not get lost.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Elvis,Martina & Christmas

For those of you who like me, still have hearts that melt when you hear Elvis sing, and love "Country" as well, this is for you!

You Gotta Watch This!This is Modern-Tech at its finest. Very approiate for this coming "Christmas"

Check it out! .. Click on link below.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Song in My Head

 Have you ever heard a song and then have it stuck in your brain for days, weeks?

 I recently started seeing an advert on tv from Telus using the original version of "All I Want for Christmas is a Hippopotomous" sung by Gayla Peevy.

 I've been singing it in my head (cause no one wants to hear me sing it out load I am sure) for weeks now!

And everytime I see & hear that commercial I can't help but smile!


 I Love my pets! Not so sure the love is reciprocated at all times!

Now isn't this just the saddest looking Elf?

He's like "Seriously, do I look like an Elf?"

Zues, is just glad he didn't have to wear it!


Ok, now I'm all ready, tree is up,(that's a long process, amid straightening every branch to look just right, place the lights just right, and make sure alike ornaments aren't too close to each other (doesn't everyone do that?)) cookies are baked, and the party mix (tradition) is made! Now I get to sit back and relax (sip on some wine) and wait for the big day to come (and go, a lot quicker than it came!).


Plans have been made for what time to do Christmas dinner (to make sure everyone gets to be here for turkey). Nothing left but to stuff those stockings on Christmas eve and wait for dear old Nick to arrive. (And after all that work, he better arrive (for me that is!)just kidding! NOT!).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Angel- RIP James Delorey

This was Bruce MacKinnons' cartoon he placed in the Chronicle Herald, it says it all, and everyone who saw it had a tear in their eye (as they have since first hearing this story).
by Bruce MacKinnon ,Copyright (c)2009 The Halifax Herald Limited 12/09/2009

From the very first mention of the lost little boy with Autism there was that lump in the throat, gigantic heart palpitation so hard it hurts.

Everyone followed this story with heavy hearts, praying diligently for a positive outcome, and everyone shed a tear when it wasn't to be.       
 This little boy touched the hearts of people who never knew him, brought a community closer together, and made some of us realize how fragile life can be.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's Slowly Coming Together

Okay, inside decorations are now all out and scattered about (my feet hurt from all that work!) now just the tree to put out next week ( I know, most people already have theirs up). The cat has new toys now to play with until he tires of them, and I have more lights to turn on and off each night before bed. But yep, it feels more like Christmas now.

Every second car has a christmas tree tied on top, the neighbours were outside (arguing) putting up their outside lights last night, in the dark (tradition).  The traffic heading to malls is horrific! I am so glad I have finished my shopping, and even have them all wrapped up! Yah me! Traditionally not me! So thumbs up for me this year.

Next week, Christmas baking begins! Guess I better start skipping on the second helpintgs, and laying off the deserts for the next two weeks so I can indulge over Christmas.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It Starts Earlier Every Year, or So It Seems

Christmas season seems to start earlier and earlier every year!

When my boys were little(as in age, not height (I say that cause they're 6'2 and 6'5), we used to decorate the outside mid December (all bundled up and out in the cold, braving the wind and snow) and then the boys and I would put up the tree the week before Christmas.

Then as we get older(my husband and me) and begin to dread being out there in the cold, wind and snow, we started putting up the decorations the first full weekend in December, but still only turned on the light show mid December. Tree started going up 2 weeks before Christmas.

And there we were Nov 29th, putting up the outside decorations, on a really nice, warm (albeit windy) day. However, no way are the lights being turned on yet! No way, nadda, not going to happen! Even if everyone down the street has theirs turned on already! Some of them since the middle of November! OMG people, (or did they just not take them down from last year, and I didn't notice?) That's possible, I'm not know to be the most observant person, tunnel vision you know.

Zues admiring our work!

This is my sister's house, notice the tree is up, one of two, the decorations placed (and Emma lovin up Santa). Uhuh, no way , I am not going there til at least 3 weeks before Christmas (notice the increasing weekly theme?).

Best Buds

I came across these photos today and thought I would share them. As you can see Moses just loves being with his Dad, even if it's just watching the tube.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

ZEUS- Polydactyl

This was Zues as a kitten. He was a rescue kitten (rescued by my sister) that we brought into our home about 6 years or so ago. He was found under a building with a sibling and mother. He is a polydactyl cat, has 6 toes on all four paws (rather rare to have it on all four). It adds to his manual dexterity, especially funny to watch him hold play objects with his front paws, just like a human!

Ever since he arrived here, he has always been a very anxious cat, especially when someone enters the house, or if the dogs bark at someone, he will take off for a hiding spot, and remain hidden until the unwelcome (by him, not us) have left the premises. I swear one day he will have a heart attack while trying to get hidden fast enough from the approaching danger he seems to feel is threatening him.

I used to feel hurt that he didn't seem to like me, even after all this time, he cuddles up to my husband, sleeps with him if he takes a nap, lets him cut his nails, settles on his stomach every night for a session of rubs. He even hides from me at times when I come in and out, or when I first come home from work. Really after 6 years I'd like a little more excitement shown my way! I mean I feed him, brush out his fur matts (he loves that), give you treats (he really loves that), turn on the water tap so you can get fresh water a dozen times a day (he is one of those cats that will only drink water from the tap, very fussy!)

I read one day, that kittens born outside will almost always choose one person only in the household to be friends with. I guess since my husband was home through the day and I wasn't that is why I'm not his favorite person. On a good note, I'm not his least favorite! That would be my sister, he usually won't come anywhere near her, even after 6 years she has only gotten glimpses of him! Long time to hold a grudge!

Reality Check

Cops grill elderly couple for waving at little boy
Is this what our communities are coming to now, we can't even wave at a child as we pass by? I actually "gasped" out loud when I heard this story on the news last night!

PICTOU — An elderly Nova Scotia couple says they were accused of attempted child abduction earlier this month after they waved at a child.
“We’ll continue to wave as we go in to get our package of tea and our Aspirin," she said. We won’t let the experience keep us down.
Yes we need to educate our children, and yes we need to be vigilant in watching our neighbourhoods, but a wave? Maybe I better rethink asking for grandchildren!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Favorite Show

Backstage at DWTS: Mya "Disappointed," Donny "Numb" and Judges In Shock

Ok, really, people be honest, did you really think this show is about finding the person who could be a professional dancer? Come on people, this is television! It's about finding that person who you can connect with, who showed tremendous improvement over the course of the show, who connected with the audience!

It's so much more fun watching the dancers who start out knowing nothing about ballroom dancing, rather than watching the ones who can already dance and hardly need any training, except maybe to look like they are having fun! Mya's face looked like stone most of the time, and she came across as so "into" herself all the time (that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it)! It's about having the whole package, and the people have spoken, me too!

A Smaller Dose Please!

Seriously, I don't consider myself a prude, I get the "Gay, Lesbian" thing, I agree they should be able to do their thing and have the same rights as everyone else, but really is it necessary to go to such extremes? And you know I am talking about the AMA's and Adam Lambert. I didn't watch the show (not really my cup of tea, much prefer the CMA's) but I did catch a glimpse of his performance. And he certainly did a performance! Maybe that's all he really wants is to be a "performer" and not just the lead singer in a band? Well if that's the case then, he has accomplished it.

I agree he has tremendous vocals, he looks WOW (if your into that sort of look, and Ok yes I like his looks), and yes he is a great performer. But come on, you have to admit he crossed the line a little too much! It would have been just as great of a performance without the added features of the kiss and the crotch bit, if not a better performance, cause that kind of took away from the singing (in my view).

He even got bounced off one of the morning shows for being too provocative and risky! Gotta love it!

Monday, November 23, 2009

This is Where it Starts

Ok,  I have attended "A Very Beary Christmas" concert tonight which kicks off the start of the Christmas season. The concert is put on evey year (for the past 14 years!) by the Salvation Army and consists of the "Stadacona Band" (from CFB Halifax) and hosted and performances from Liz Rigney, a local favorite for sure. Always a great way to start off the Christmas season! Everyone brings in a teddy bear which the Salvation Army give to children in hospital over the Christmas holidays.  A seasonal favorite for sure! Hey I even dragged along my son and his girlfriend (not really their cup of tea, but they came anyway!) Dragged along my other son and his girlfriend last year! Gotta love it!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Yahoo,, this year I finally got to it early, and now I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping! Wow, feels good knowing that this year I won't have to be out there, amidst the crazies during that last week rush! Even now the parking lots are full, the roads leading to malls are jammed (not good for people with no patience).

Time to start dragging out the outdoor decorations soon, I am still a Dec 1st person, not like those who put up decorations the day after Rememberance day (and actually turn on the lights too, that's just too early guys, seriously!).

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Cudos to my hubby for getting involved with  "Mental Health" and being out there to  add his voice in trying to get more help for those who have no where to turn. He has teamed up with "Asist" and taking a 2 day course to learn how to talk with people suffering from depression and thinking of suicide (being there gives him an edge up). He is also going to sit on one of the boards so he can keep adding his voice for more help, way to go babe!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday 13th (Good/Bad??)

Yep, it's Friday the 13th! For the 3rd time this year. Did you know that each year has at least 1 Friday the 13th, and that there can be as many as 3 in a year? If the 1st of the month starts on a Sunday, then it will have a Friday the 13th, according to Wikipedia (cool, I never knew that!). Also cool here's the next 5 years and the months that will have the next Friday the 13.
2010 August
2011 May
2012 January, April, July
2013 September, December
2014 June ( Oh No!, that's my birthday) The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia (wow, that's a mouthful).

So do you think this is a "lucky day" or an "unlucky day"?

Anyway, Happy Friday the 13th!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things I Like

PARENT - Job Description

 I received this in an email (have no idea where it originated from or who wrote it, so hope they don't mind that I am posting it here). It was too funny not to pass along!

This is hysterical. If it had been presented this way, I don't believe any of us would have done it!!!!


Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma

Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop


Long term, team players needed, for challenging, permanent work in an often chaotic environment.

Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities!

Travel expenses not reimbursed.

Extensive courier duties also required.


The rest of your life.

Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs  $100.00 or more.

Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 kmph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks.

Must be a willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.


Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you

None required unfortunately.
On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.


Get this!   You pay them!
Offering frequent raises and bonuses.

A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that passing matric will help them become financially independent.

When you die, you give them whatever is left.

The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.


While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth, unconditional love, and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.

Forward this on to all the PARENTS you know, in appreciation for everything they do on a daily basis, letting them know they are appreciated for the fabulous job they do... or forward with love to anyone thinking of applying for the job.

Maybe send it to your kids as well.

One day it will be their turn ,, at least give them a chance to decide.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


High Ground/Low Ground

Take notice of the similarities in both of these pictures. Top picture Zues has gone to high ground to get away from you know who (that would be the inconspicuous Moses sitting in wait). And in the picture below Zues is taking cover under the living room coffe table ( Moses can't fit, although not for lack of trying).

Just Breathe Dear, Breathe.....

Where did I go it all go so wrong? Please someone fill me in, I'm drowning here! Whatever happened to "live, love, laugh and play"? There needs to be alot more laughter and a little less annoyance, anger and pessimism here.

Calm, that's what's needed, the only question is how to make that happen. Any suggestions! Please, before I drown for good, or worse become one of them! Oh my!

 Maybe I could just walk away from it all, turn a blind eye, have tunnel vision, become a Buddhist (aren't they generally a calm sort, hmmm?). Maybe I should take up belly dancing, join a laughter group (you know the ones who just laugh out loud at nothing for a period of time with a group of other people also laughing, supposed to be really theraputic) or better idea,  I should send everyone else there for thereapy.....Food for thought.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Holding It Together!

Sometimes, just sometimes, it is really, really hard to keep holding it together. Be positive, hold your cool, don't take it personal, etc,etc. These hot pockets aren't helping either!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It Hits Closer to Home When...

Today has been rather a "fuzzy" day for me, my mind is wandering alot (to one very obstinant spot) and I have found myself on more than one occasion staring at my computer screen here at work, and wondering what is it I was doing (and YES, I do this same thing each and every day!).

Up until today (really last night) I have never  known anyone personally and especially no one related to me who has had breast cancer. Right up until last night that is, and now I do! What a terrible feeling that has been for me, so I can only imagine what my dear cousin is feeling right now. This cousin is the most down to earth, funny, family oriented person I have ever known, and would have been the last person I would have thought of to have been afflicted with this disease. It's not that I haven't had family afflicted with diseases, because I have for sure, but never with this disease, and never so young. For some reason this disease feels different for me than lung, liver, kidney or heart diseases do, not sure why, maybe it's a "woman" thing.
I was so impressed with her straightforwardness and the details that she provided to us (maybe it was theraputic in a way) to explain what she will be going through for the next little while (although it will be a lifetime I guess). Right now she seems to be the strong one,even throwing in some comments that made me smile (typical of her) and I know that everyone will have to pull up their socks and be the strong ones for her as time goes on. I am so glad that she comes from such a close family and that she has a strong connection with the church as well. I am sure this will be what enables her to get through the next period of her life.

A real wake up call this was!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We're Sinking!

What gives lately with sink holes? First we almost have our backyard swallowed up by one (ok maybe a small exageration). It started with a small hole the size of my foot (could almost fit my foot in it), we knew we should fill it so the dog's didn't trip in it and break a leg, then one day after a few days of rain hubby calls me out to come and see something. And guess what! There he is with shovel sunk down into it, and had he let go of the shovel it would have disappeared! Not kidding!! So now obviously we had to get a load of fill and fill it in before the dogs actually got swallowed up whole in it!

Ok so look at this pic my sister sends me today! Wow, imagine your car being swallowed whole!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wait, I want to see the Goblins too!

This is what happens when you are  very "exciteable" and nobody wants you to scare the little ones to death on Halloween! Poor Goliath, destined to sit behind the barricade, wine and wimper, and not being able to partake in ghosts and goblins of all sorts.

Although I am sure that the first two little ones who approached the door "before" we got the gate up and dogs on the right side of it thought that they were about to eaten and gobbled up by monsters! God I hope they are not scarred for life!

Golly, only 18 or so kids this year, I miss seeing the little ones , they always look so cute! We only had about 6 under the age of 5 this year, :(

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How To

How to properly answer the front door (or any door for that matter) when you have a very deranged dog who goes "balistic" when someone, anyone comes anywhere near the property! Look at this face and tell me you don't think he isn't just the sweetest thing with that puppy dog look!

Well let me tell you, that look quickly disappears the minute he thinks he hears someone approaching from outdoors! He turns into this barking, snarling, scrambling mess of fur that is almost impossible to hold onto, and forget telling him to sit (yeah that works for sure!) cause he has a one track mind when he knows someone is on his property! In the meantime the poor cat (Zues) is now having a heart attach because Goliath has started on his very loud rampage, and he can't get himself hidden fast enough!

And last but not least Moses has now come to see what all the ruckus is about, not that he really cares that  someone has come, but since Goliath is so riled then he thinks he should be too (that's what buds are for). And now we have not one but 2 dogs, snarling and growling, and now you need 2 people, one to hold them back while the other opens the door as narrowly as possible and squeezes outside to talk to whoever had the audacity to come knocking. (The last 3 times it was some young man selling home security systems, yeah like we don't already have our own version!). And usually by the time you manage to get the door open or your body squeezed outside, you guessed it, they heard all the racket and high tailed it out of there!

The Fear of Letting Go

I have heard the saying that what I consider as garbage (no longer useable, unsightly, just taking up wasted space) can be someone else's treasures,,, but seriously, a ratty old wicker stand that has sat in a corner gathering dust, been chewed on by our cat? It always amazes me that you put these things out on garbage day (usually the night before) and by morning,gone! Silently tossed into a vehicle that cruises the neighborhood in search of such treasures (didn't even wake my hubby who generally doesn't sleep and hears everything).

It must be a science. I often wonder what their homes look like, or their garages,stuffed with unused treasures? I'm not even sure why it lasted so long in the first place in our home, as like I said it sat in a corner gathering dust for years. Everytime I noticed it I would tell myself to throw it out, and yet there it sat for years and years (and yep I finally did manage to get up the gusto and do it!)

Now for those old doors, blinds etc hiding in the other room! Oh My! Why do I keep these things in the first place? We say we might need them later,and years later we run across them and wonder why we ever kept them?

And although once every other year we clean out a room or space, and feel cleansed, we seem to gather that much more all over again in another room! A never ending cycle we can't seem to break.

I guess it's the letting go part that is ingrained in some of us that is the hardest to break, some more than others! Take my hubby for instance, he says we should hang onto things just in case, then always forgets where he put them, goes out and buys it again when he finds he needs one (thinking to himself "I thought I had one of those") only to find it next year when going through a cubby hole looking for something completely not related. You would think we would learn where to put things that we intend to keep just because we might need it later on, but "NO" we don't. Like I said, never ending cyle!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yay For Smart Hubbies!

He did it! Of course he did, he fixed it, he always fixes it! Did I say how much I hate electronics! Anyway, my hubby has fixed up my mess! Isn't he just the best! The secret of course is to walk away from the mess, then go back when cooler heads prevail (his of course, not mine). I still hate electronics though.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bigger, Newer, is Not Always the Best

I HATE ELECTRONICS! Or rather I should probably say that they hate me! You do one thing in the wrong sequence and WHAM the whole damn thing gets screwed up. Press one wrong button and golly gee where did the sound go? I swear they do that on purpose so you have to call for support, only for them to tell you there is nothing they can do and you will have to pay more to repair the darn thing than to buy a new one(we already had to do that this year once). The old tv's used to last for 20 yrs, I guess they weren't making enough money, so they had to make great big tv's that break down with the slightest push of a wrong button! Sure add a button so you can rewind to watch a few seconds again(not that that was what I wanted to do)and then hey what happened, no sound?? For pete's sake I just wanted to record a show, how hard can that be? Really hard if your like me!Seriously!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Seriously! Your Garbage is NOT my Garbage!

The very nerve of some people, and if I find that nervy person I will be sure to pass along their name, in BIG BOLD letters. I have enough of my own garbage to put out on garbage day, we can only put it out every second week, and alternate with green bags, and this week did happen to be GREEN week not garbage week, by the way. So to that nervy scum who dropped their 2 bags of garbage in my driveway with my green bags, I say please grow up and be mature! How hard is it to know which week is which, huh, it's really not rocket science for pete's sake! They even give out free yearly calendars to put on your fridge to make that much easier. They probably already got caught putting it out on the wrong week, and having left it out and gotten warned by the powers that be to remove it, they decided to toss it into someone else's yard! That's just NASTY and unneighborly. REALLY!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ahhh, Fall (It came it went)

What happened to fall? September was pretty great as far as fall weather goes, warm daytime, cool evening, but OMG here came October and although it is only the 13th it is raining, falling to minus temps at night and we even had frost this morning on the car windshield! Not fair, this shouldn't be happening for another 2 weeks yet! I haven't gotten my fill of just moving up to the long sleeves, now I need to find my heavier stuff.... and you know that as soon as I drag it all out, and stuff away the summer stuff, it will turn nice again! (Murphy's law)

Well we did get two fair days this past weekend, enough to get one side of the house sprayed down, now it looks tan color instead of green (hahaha). Only 3 more sides to go!

Now that thanksgiving is over it turns to time to get moving on (here it comes) Christmas shopping! Oh my! Although I have managed a few things so far, which puts me well beyond my usual position for Christmas shopping. But what to get for those who really don't need anything? I no longer enjoy Christmas that much anymore (maybe when the grandkids come along, whenever/ if ever that is).

I got my notice to book my mammogram again and guess what, only a 6 month waiting list! Wow, pretty depressing if you had any worries. You would think for something that only takes 5 minutes, undress, slam your boob up against a cold slab of steel and glass, hold for 1 minute (that hurts the most) then do the other one for 1 minute (hurts even more), and your done!Six months! Crazy! I guess that's why you only get one every 2 years, otherwise you would have to wait a full year anyway! So in reality I guess you are waiting a year and a half.....! You would think the brainiacs of science and medicine could come up with a much easier and less painful way to view your boobs wouldn't you?

Monday, October 12, 2009


"AAHHH" gotta love turkey dinners and all that goes with them! Turnip, mashed potato, glazed carrots, yummy handed down stuffing recipe, (the one you've always eaten ever since you can remember, gravy..... and I even made homemade cranberry sauce for the first time (find it a little sweeter than I would have liked). Then comes the clean up from making that yummy dinner, and everytime I cook it I ask myself why do I do this? You spend half the day making it, half the day cleaning up after spending an entire 1/2 hr eating it! Thank goodness for the leftovers. And then comes Christmas just around the corner and I will do it all over again and so on! Just wouldn't be the same if I didn't.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our House via Google Street View(Way Cool)

My House-Google Street View

This is just too cool; this is our house using the new Google maps street view! It isn’t really up to date; I think it is from either last fall or early spring. I have been searching everyone I know and checking who has street views yet. WAY COOL!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

35 Years Later... So Cool!

I recently went to my husbands brothers daughters (that would be our niece) wedding. During the reception it was noted that all of the people who had been in her mother and fathers own wedding party were there! Wow how cool was that, I bet that doesn't happen too often 35 years later! So they took a picture of the wedding party now.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

That Dark Place....

For anyone who lives with someone who suffers from depression you would know the feeling of helplessness. Because truly, there is no written in stone process for helping you to help someone who suffers from this debilitating disease. It is all trial and error, guesswork, alot of investigative reading, and just plain doing nothing at all (except for just being). Watch and wait, that is really what we do. Watch for the signs of what period they are now in (you get pretty good at that after awhile), and wait for it to change over to another period of their cyle(hopefully the period won't last longer than you can deal with). Because that is what it is really, cycle after cycle of moods. Once you learn to recognize some of them, then you can learn what you need to do for both them and for you. Sometimes there is nothing you can do but quietly wait it out, hoping it will swing soon to somewhere that resembles calm. You keep asking yourself what can I do to help, but in reality there isn't much you can do but hang in there, throw in some smiles, a few hugs, some tender touches and then go about your daily routine as you normally would, with or without them.

You can't push, pull, holler or swear, cause it won't do any good anyway, and it will just pull you downward, so you just go on about your life and hope they opt to be a part of it sooner rather than later. Offer opinions when asked, but don't expect a miraculous "aha" moment to occur anytime soon if ever. Even though they hear what you say, they know its what they should do, the manic whirlwind going on in their heads just doesn't know how to let go.

Take the rare moments, hours, days, weeks (if you are lucky you might even get more) and enjoy them to there fullest, because you know they won't last forever, as depression is not something that they recover from, it is like an alcoholic, always lingering in the background, something that can break through to the surface at any time, with any little unforseen trigger. You do your best to keep those triggers at bay, but somehow they always seem to creep in there even with the careful planning you thought you had in place.

So heres hoping peace comes soon and stays a little longer this time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

On Guard

This is Goliath guarding the bird feeder from the squirrels! Everyday he races to the feeder to make sure there aren't any squirrels (or blue jays, he doesn,t seem to like them either) before going about his business. I'm not sure who is winning the war, the bird seed still seems to go down pretty fast, not sure if the blue jays are spilling enough to fill them up or if they are still managing to climb the pole(I heard about someone putting pop bottles on the pole to keep them off, so I am trying that).

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lost and Found

Last week turned out to be a very cool week indeed! Not only did I make contact with some of my highschool friends that I haven't seen in over 35 years (wow, in print it seems so much longer), but I also met up with a very good friend that I hadn't seen in almost 22 years in the same week! Meeting my lost friend after so long was a truly awesome feeling! I recommend it, as it surely was an uplifting feeling. Alot changes over that many years, but then again so much to catch up on. Looking forward to rekindling that friendship and hoping it doesn't get lost again.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

In Need Of Motivation!

I am in need of a push, a really, really big one, to get myself moving! As much as I hate exercise, I need to get some in on a daily basis, the problem is "motivation", of which I don't have a lot, ok hardly any! And its not like the weather hasn't been cooperating or anything (has been an awesome September). Having an older dog who can't walk as far anymore and a husband who can't either is not helping with my motivation, however, I am the keeper of my own body, so knowing that I really need to stop being such a "couch potato", even if all of the new shows have recently started! Need to watch a few more Dr Oz shows I think, maybe that will get me in the mood?

Monday, September 14, 2009


I have heard a lot of talk about "hot flashes" with the onset of menopause, thought I might have had a few over the past few years. So "WOW" what a shocker when I actually started having them for real! I was not prepared (even though I thought I was) for the quickness and intenseness of them, not at all! You know that feeling you get just before you are going to get violently sick? Yeah well imagine that feeling overwhelming you throughout the day and night, anytime of the day and night, when you are least expecting it. Your just sitting there, watching tv and then out of the blue with no warning, there it is,, the feverish feeling, the sweating, the heart paplitations, OMG how long will this go on? Guess I better start investigating some natural remedies, cause if this is just the beginning, one of us isn't going to make it!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Feel Free To Comment

WOW! (shaking my head as well) that is my first thought after I read articles either in the newspaper, or on entertainment sites. I always read comments from other readers. I can't believe some of the dribble that I read, a lot of people are either very ignorant or just love to see their dribble down on paper... I guess maybe I should stop doing that and just stick to reading comments from people following blogs, at least most of them seem to put some thought process into their comments (notice I said most).
Why is it that people have so much to say, even before they have all the facts? Is it because their lives are running in such perfect order? I think NOT! People, you need to stop and think before you speak! Perhaps you should ask yourself what you would have done had it been you, before issuing forth a smart assed response to something you feel the urgent need to respond to.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weather Frustrations

Oh the heat (or should I say the humidity)! As much as I hate the cold in the winter (I have said repeatedly that I like to hybernate in the dead of winter months) I have to say when the humidity level is high and all you do is sweat that I hate this time of year as well. Lately our weather patterns have sucked big time, it rains alot during the winter, it rains all of June and July, and then summer finally comes in August and it is so darn hot and humid, you can't or don't feel like doing a thing! Even sitting outside sipping on coolers doesn't do it! All the fans are going 24/7 (that really works wonders for the power bill, don't get me started on that) and really all they are doing is tossing around the warm air in the house, the windows are open, curtains closed, and still the basement is the only place that feels good (that is, when you leave off the dehumidifier that draws out the damp air), yeah I know, kind of defeats the purpose!

I guess we should be glad that we don't have smog to contend with as well. That's one good thing about living here in NS, good clean air, even if it is most often filled with fog. Oh well probably won't last too much longer as our first hurricane (tropical storm) is heading our way, that would be "Bill". The fog rolled back in last night so I think we are starting to see a change in the weather pattern. Bill should pass by late Sunday into Monday. It's always fun to follow the yes he will, no he won't hit land right up until he either does, or doesn't. If I batton down the umbrellas, chairs and toys, he usually doesn't, and if I don't then you guessed it, the track changes and comes right over us! Tropical storms can range from cool, to pretty wild. The rain is not so bad, but the wind when it gets up to 90+ km/hr is nerve wracking, as we are up on a hill and the house and windows rattle so much you feel like they are going to pop right out of the house and the wires sound like they will detach constantly.

September and October seem to be the best months (for me anyway). Just the right amount of heat and coolness, love it, best time to be outside (plus the bugs are usually gone as well(except for the crickets and they don't bother me as much, I really, really hate bugs!) I would love to have fall all year round! I wonder if there is such a place?

Friday, August 14, 2009


I read an article today about dogs that suffer from "thunderphobia",our dog suffers from this, although I had never actually put a name to it before. It is extremely hard to deal with, you can see how much he is suffering, but it is so, so annoying (the panting,the pacing,the look of terror!) We try to ignore him, we try to calm him, we try to take his mind off it, but nothing seems to work, just waiting it out and hoping the storm does not last long (although its not always from a storm as a gun shot or fireworks will set him off as well).

It's funny too as my son's dog doesn't mind the noise at all, my cat seems to love it, he sits in the open door and watches for hours.

I read some people use meds to calm their pets down, but I would think you would have to have them on it all the time as you usually don't know when thunderstorms will actually arrive, by the time I gave it to Goliath it would be over, and he does settle down quickly once there has been no more rolls of thunder for awhile. They mentioned ear muffs for dogs (hmmm, that one might be worth a try!)

Goliath and Zues-now that the storm has passed!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

80 and Going Strong!

My dad turned 80 last week, so I thought a party to celebrate was in order, as it's not everyday you reach that milestone, and also because he doesn't like to admit how old he really is! Not that he shouldn't be shouting it to everyone because he certainly doesn't look 80( and I am not saying that just because he's my dad). He is still very active, on the go all the time, and very involved in his family (not sure that is always a good thing (just kidding Dad!)).
Dad shares his birthday with my nephew who unfortunately wasn't there cause he's a working teen now (so we ate his share of the cake!).

Anyway I invited our relatives to come and share the day with us, had a bbq and played some washer toss.... it was nice to get together for something other than a wedding or a funeral as is how we seem to come together these days.

That's my Dad in the middle, looks pretty good for 80 wouldn't you say? Happy Birthday Dad!

Friday, July 24, 2009

All About My Family....

This is my family:

This is Gary, my husband of 27 years. Although we have had our ups and downs (as I am sure all couples do) I wouldn't trade him (most days anyway!).
Doesn't he have a wonderful smile!

This is my son Jeff and his long time girlfriend Denai (gotta love that name!). Jeff is 26, and has recently just moved back home (temporary) from BC, and god love Denai, cause she came too (left all that wonderful sunshine from the Okanagan belt for fog and drizzle!) As you can see Jeff has a charming smile (too bad we have to drag it out of him most days!) They are both the outdoorsy (not sure that is really a word?) type, love animals, they brought their dog with them (introduced down further). Jeff is sometimes wound a little tight and has a short fuse (gee wonder where he got that from?), but generally pretty quiet(isn't there a saying about watch out for the quiet ones?)

This is son # 2 Kris (and girlfriend Teressa). He's the laid back type, pretty quiet until you wind him up. He's very tall (6.5 to my 5.2) and loves to jerk you around (he's very good at telling you things that are not true to get your goat, mine especially!). Kris lives with his girlfriend and their cat. He is the mechanic of the family(always nice to have one of those in your family), the computer generation(always nice to have one of those too!).

The little person in the middle is Mom (she passed away a few years back now), with my sister (shown later) and me on either side, still miss her!

This is my dad, Don, still going strong at 80 ( will be on Aug 6th), doesn't look a day over 70 (he would say 60)!

He is the strong willed, very active type, loves his grandsons (all 4 of them), not too sure about the dogs though (at least he pretends not to), but he does babysit my sisters girls (which would be her two cats!).

This is my sister Tracy and her partner Harley, you've seen Harley already (he was the bird man post). Tracy is 9 years younger (notice I did not say I was 9 years senior), small and petite (unlike me), but other than that we are much alike. She loves cats, hates dogs (and boy do our 2 know that, they love her, funny how they seem to know that!).
These are her two boys, Gerry and Nathan.
Gerry is going to be a welder(just finished his main course) and is also very tall (like my sons). Nathan on the other hand is more like his mom (shorter) and a going concern! Very good with his hands (I am sure there is a construction worker in there) can build just about anything!

This picture was taken when my brother Ken (shown in the bottom row third from the left) came home from BC for a visit. As you can see he is also not of the taller version (he gets that from my mom's side).

These are the four footed members of our family at this time, the larger one is Moses, who is Jeff and Denai's addition, then there is Goliath (laying on the mat as he is the older one) and under Moses you will find Zues out beloved cat (who was rescued and brought to us by my sister).
That's all of them for now, I will likely have individual posts on some of them later on!